
So who am I?

I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Western Washington University right smack in the middle of lockdown (we all remember 2020) and I asked myself – “What now?”. During lockdown I spent my downtime improving and honing my illustration skills across various sketchbooks, so I decided to use my degree where I could apply both my visual and technical capabilities to build products.

At the beginning of post-graduate life I started out freelancing as a web designer/developer – working for a few nonprofits around the Seattle area, but I still felt that I had much to learn from the design side of my work. I took a break to continue my professional learning through graduate school at the University of Washington, and since graduating I have recently worked with Iron Mountain on their marketing website as their UX Designer.

For me, design is being thoughtful about improving our ability to experience and connect with the world around us. Whether it be by crafting prototypes or contributing to a design system, I want to reduce the technical complexity of our increasingly digital world to ensure that as many users and communities can understand and benefit from new technological innovations.

My values

Go above and beyond, and not settling for mediocre

I don’t go directly for the “flashy” or first-idea solution. Instead, I research, test, and fine-tune my ideas. Not all designs are created equally, and understanding what underlying design solutions are needed is a big step in the right direction.

Two heads are always better than one

As an engineer, designer, and even from past experiences as an artist and pianist, I know that everyone brings a unique skill set to the team. Collaboration allows for thinking outside the box, and it always creates a better end-product in result.

Be present, engaged, and ready to learn

Feedback is essential for growth. I am always looking for ways to improve and learn from those around me, and I would not be where I am today without it.

Fun Fact

During my undergraduate I studied Piano Performance through my Music minor, where I put the same amount of dedication into my craft as my primary studies. Here is my senior recital if anyone wants to watch it (it’s about a half-hour worth of music – all of it I had to memorize!)